In my previous article, I have described how to create a simple typescript nodejs project. The method works fine in a small project, but take longer compilation time on a large project because its need to compile all typescript files on every change.
Create Node.js & Express.js with Typescript Project
The solution is using ts-node where it direct run the typescript without compiling it to javascript.
- Follow the steps to create a Node.js & Express.js with Typescript.
- Type "npm install -g ts-node".
- Add an entry to package.json."scripts": {"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1","build": "tsc -b","start": "node dist/app.js","dev": "nodemon dist/app.js","dev:ts": "nodemon --exec ts-node src/app.ts"},
- Now you can just run the development using 1 console: npm run dev:ts