Thursday, March 7, 2019

AngularJS Review

1. AngularJS is a javascript framework. The latest upgrade version called Angular, which is a typescript framework.

2. AngularJS application consists of
- view, which is the HTML.
- model, which is the data available for the current view.
- controller, which is the javascript function or business logic.
- routes, which is the href mapping.

3. Javascript commonly place at the end of the body. However, it is recommended that the AngularJS library load at the <head>. The library has been loaded first then the angular.module can only be compiled.

4. Value attribute on an input text field is ignored when there is ng-model. Example: <input type="text" ng-model="name" value="Simon"> // value Simon is ignore!

5. I think if you wish to build a single page application, React, or Angular is better than AngularJS. AngularJS long term support will not have new functionality. It is just matters of time when this framework would obsolete.
