This tutorial tested on Nodejs v10.16.2 and Expressjs v4.16.1.
1. Install Express Generator. Create the application skeleton using application generator tool. Go to the project folder and type “npm install -g express-generator”
2. Create Express Project using EJS view engine. By default, Express is using PUG view engine. For this example, we are using EJS. Use this command “express --view="ejs" [folder name]” to create the express project. Example: “C:\Users\simon.siah\workspace>express --view="ejs" nodejs-expressjs-starter”.
3. Install dependencies. Type below command to install dependencies. It will read the package.json and install the stuff.
4. Start the server Type below command to start the server.
5. Open a browser and type http://localhost:3000/.
6. Route files. - The route files store in folder routes. - This section in app.js define the http routes. - Example: /, is using routes/index.js and /users us using routes/user.js.
7. View files - The view files store in folder views.
8. Create a Hello World Page.
- Copy the routes/index.js and paste into folder routes, rename the files to helloworld.js.
- Change the content below:
- Create helloworld.ejs in views folder:
- Update app.js to include helloworld route:
- Start the server and enter URL -> http://localhost:3000/helloworld
I am using sublimetext as IDE to update the sources. It is free, and you can download here:
Here are some useful references:
Node.js, Express.js, MongoDb Tutorial:
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