function loadProfile(usernames) {
if(usernames.lenght > 3) {
var loadingMessage = "This will take a while";
JavaScript runtime transform tofunction loadProfile(usernames) {
var loadingMessage;
if(usernames.lenght > 3) {
loadingMessage = "This will take a while";
This explained developer can access the variable outside the block. Example:function loadProfile(usernames){
if(usernames.length > 3) {
var loadingMessage = "This will take a while";
consolo.log (loadingMessage );
// Output is unexpected - can be "This will take a while" or undefined.
var variable can be accessed in entitled function which might cause unexpected behaviour. One way you can avoid this by introducing a new variable declaration let.let variables are scoped to the nested block and are Not hoisted. Block is any code section within curly braces like if, else, while, etc. Example:
function loadProfile(usernames) {
if (usernames.length > 3) {
let loadingMessage ="This might take a while";
// Output is ReferencesError: loadingMessage is not defined.
Variables declared with let can be reassigned, but cannot be redeclared within the same scope.let loadingMessage = "Hello";
loadingMessage = "Goodbye"; // Reassigning is allowed.
let loadingMessage = "Hello";
let loadingMessage = "Goodbye";
// Re declaring is not allowed.
// TypeError: Identified 'loadingMessage' has already been declared.
Second type of new variable is const. const keyword created read-only named constant. Exampleconst MAX_USERS = 3;
Constant cannot be reassigned. Example:const MAX_USERS = 3;
MAX_USERS = 10; // Error
Constant must be assigned an initial value. Example:const MAX_USERS = 3; // No error.
const MAX_USERS;
MAX_USERS = 3; // Error
Constant are scoped to the nearest block, same to let.
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