In our car part example, I am going to add a text field for quantity. User can fill up a quantity or click on plus / minus button to purchase. The value in the text field and buttons is in sync.
<input type="text" [(ngModel)]="carPart.quantity">
We import FormsModule in main.ts....
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
@NgModule ({
imports: [ BrowserModule, FormsModule], // List down all component will be used.
declarations: [ AppComponent, CarPartComponent], // Import dependencies.
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ], // Indicate first component to launch.
providers: [RacingDataService] // Now all subcomponents can ask for (inject) our RacingDataService.
ngModel allows having one command to express two-way data binding. The syntax for two-way binding is [()], and sometimes called banana in a box.
Important to know when we are using ngModel syntax, we only set it equal to a data properly. Example:
[(ngModel)] = "user.age"
[(ngModel)] = "firstname"
You can not set ngModel to a component's method. Example:
[(ngModel)] = "fullname()"
Two-way binding means that if the component property is modified inside the component (Javascript) or inside our web page (HTML), it will stay in sync.
To summary on binding syntax:
- [] - JavaScript to HTML binding
- () - HTML to Javascript binding
- [()] - Two-way binding binding.
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