Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Targeting the right audience in Facebook

  1. 3 types of Audience 
    • Core Audience – Target ads based on Facebook Data. 
    • Custom Audience – Using data from the website, email list, mobile apps, or other sources. 
    • Lookalike Audience – Surface new audience by combining custom Audience with Facebook targeting.
  2. To protect privacy, Facebook doesn’t show data of fewer than 1000 person on Audience Overlap page. 
  3. The marketer can use Audience Insight to analysis the target audience and create a different ad for a different audience. 
  4. 3 types of audiences can be analysis: 
    • Everyone on Facebook. 
    • People connected to your page. 
    • A custom Audience. 
  5. 4 characteristic you can see from Audience Insight: 
    • Demographic (age, gender, lifestyles, relationship, education level, job role) 
    • Pages likes (Pages that the audience like) 
    • Location (country, city, language) 
    • Activity (comments, post liked, post shares, promotion redeemed, ads clicked, a device used). 
  6. The marketer can use Audience Insight to save the Audience, then use the saved audience to create an Ad. The audience must contain minimum of 1000 people. 
  7. Pixer is a tool used to collect data from the website, mobile apps, or other sources. Pixel event is to track conversion. 
  8. Facebook creative hub format is a tool to learn types of Ad marketer can create in facebook. https://www.facebook.com/ads/creativehub/formats/ 
    • Single video 
    • Slideshow
    • 360 video 
    • Canvas 
    • Carousel 
    • Single image 
  9. Across Border is using an existing audience to find the same audience in another country.
  10. Tools to see sample facebook ads - https://adespresso.com/ads-examples/

Monday, January 29, 2018

Basic Financial Education

Accounts look backwards.
Budgeting looks forward.
Example on how to prepare a budget.

Example on how to monitor your budget.
Cash vs Profit
Income Statement and Balance Sheet is 2 important things to check company finance

Using Ratio Formula to Measure Company Performance